Beyond the standard Apple apps, there is a vast selection of third party apps that can greatly enhance your productivity and experience using a Mac for school. These Mac apps help students save time, stay organized, collaborate with classmates, study efficiently, and get more out of their Apple laptop or desktop.
Here are 10 of the top must-have Mac apps recommended for students:
10 Best Mac Apps for Students
1. Microsoft Office 365
While Apple’s Pages, Keynote and Numbers apps provide basic document, presentation and spreadsheet software, Microsoft Office remains the gold standard suite for word processing, presentations, data analysis and more. Office 365 plans for students are affordable and offer full access to download Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and more on the Mac. These tools are essential for creating professional documents and managing schoolwork.
2. Evernote
Evernote is one of the top note taking and organization apps available with support across all platforms. On the Mac, it shines thanks to deep integration and features. Evernote makes organizing notes and documents easy with tagging, notebooks, to-do lists, file previews and robust search capabilities. Sync everything across devices. The premium version expands monthly upload limits. Evernote helps keep schoolwork organized.
3. EndNote
EndNote facilitates easier research paper and thesis writing. Use it to search databases, organize references, create bibliographies, cite works in Word docs, and read papers. Sync access to your reference library across Mac, Windows and iOS devices. Student pricing makes EndNote affordable at $115 for four years of access. Essential for managing citations and references while writing major research papers or theses.
4. iStudiеz Pro
For schеduling coursеs, tracking homеwork and gradеs, managing tasks and dеadlinеs, iStudiеz Pro is an indispensable acadеmic plannеr. Thе Mac vеrsion providеs a fully customizablе plannеr with calеndar, rеmindеrs, notifications and syncs sеamlеssly across dеvicеs with thе iOS app.
5. OmniFocus
For task management, OmniFocus for Mac brings stellar GTD-style tools to track school projects, tasks, and priorities in a flexible system. It can manage individual tasks, larger workflows, routines, due dates, attachments, notifications, and more with powerful visualization options. Sync tasks to iOS devices to stay on top of your workload wherever you are. OmniFocus keeps school and life organized.
6. Scrivener
Scrivener is the top app for extended writing projects like research papers, theses, dissertations, and more. It facilitates taking notes, organizing research, writing drafts, revising, storyboarding, and exporting a polished product. Split-screen and corkboard interfaces streamline writing. Scrivener offers templates for common project types and robust export options when finished.
7. SelfControl
For minimizing digital distractions, SelfControl is an indispensable app that temporarily blocks access to distracting websites and apps so you can focus. Create custom blacklists and set time limits anywhere from 1 minute to 24 hours. Ideal for minimizing procrastination and staying on task while studying. The block cannot be undone once set, so use it strategically for deep focus.
8. Dropbox
Dropbox provides abundant cloud storage and file sync essential for every student. Easily access files from any device and share with classmates and teachers. Dropbox’s Mac syncing features allow dragging and dropping files to the cloud from the desktop. Upgrade to Dropbox Plus for 2TB of storage and extended version history. Critical for managing documents and projects between school and home.
9. Bartender
Mac menu bars tend to become cluttered with app icons. Bartender provides control over menu bar elements to streamline them as desired. Organize menu bar items exactly how you want for an optimized workflow. Create different profiles or quick layouts. Bartender’s mini mode conveniently houses hidden icons. Indispensable for a clean menu bar.
10. CheatSheet
For quickly navigating Mac keyboard shortcuts, CheatSheet gives students a handy reference overlay of all active shortcuts in any app or program. Click on a shortcut to view what it does. Mouse over an app icon in the Dock to see common shortcuts within that app. Customize and organize shortcuts as desired. Extremely helpful for new Mac users still learning the many built-in shortcuts.
Conclusion: This collection of stellar apps extends the capabilities of Apple’s built-in software for task management, document creation, research, studying, organization, productivity, collaboration, and more – essentials for any successful student. Try out these top apps specially designed to help students get the most from their Macs.