Female Education Paragraph / Composition For SSC, HSC

Female education paragraph is important for both of SSC and HSC students. Female Education Paragraph or Composition Education is a light to which everybody has the equal right. Allah has created both man and woman equally and has not drawn any distinct distinction between them. He has bestowed them with equal faculties. So there should … Read more

E-Learning Paragraph For Class 6-8, SSC, HSC

E-Learning Paragraph E-learning is the use of electronic media and information and communication technologies in education. Bernard Luskin, a pioneer of e-learning, says that the “e” should be interpreted to mean “exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended, excellent, and educational” in addition to “electronic.” E-learning includes numerous types of media for delivering text, audio, Images, animation, … Read more

Facebook paragraph For Class 6,7,8 SSC and HSC

Facebook Paragraph Facebook is an internet based social network connecting to people worldwide and everybody having internet connection may have nave access to it. Facebook nowadays contributes much to maintain social and friendly relationship between people living far and near. Any person wishes to be a face book member needs first to have an internet … Read more

Load Shedding Paragraph For 6,7,8 and SSC, HSC

Load Shedding Paragraph The people living in the areas supplied with electricity are quite familiar with the term load-shedding. There is hardly any area which is not affected by load-shedding. Load-shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load-shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand and also for unplanned distribution of … Read more