In this post, we’ll learn about Freedom of Choice, which is a topic from Chapter 10, English Subject, Class 7.
Important Vocabularies For This Lesson
- Science Fiction – বৈজ্ঞানিক কল্পকাহিনী
- Barrier – প্রতিবন্ধক
- Unique – অনন্য
- Diversity – বৈচিত্র্য
- Tolerant – সহনশীল
- Mock – উপহাস করা
- Preference – বিশেষ অনুরোধ
- Annoyed – বিরক্ত
- Ashamed – লজ্জিত
- Opinion – মতামত
10.1 | following conversation is among the three friends. In pairs/groups read the conversation and identify the given sentences as true or false. If false, discuss the correct answer.
Activity: True or False?
a) Noha, Navid and Nira have respect for each other/ have positive minds.
b) Noha, Navid and Nira don’t always like to do the same thing.
c) Nira loves to play with her toys.
d)To make a friendship one has to choose someone who has the same likings and dislikes.
e) Two people with differences can be good friends.
a) True
b) True
c) False. Correct Answer: Nira loves to play with her pet.
d) False. Correct Answer: To make friendship one does not have to choose one who has the same likings and dislikes.
e) True
10.2 | Now, in groups of 6-8 identify how you are similar and different from each other. Use the given table to organize/showcase your responses: One is done for you.
Name | Colour | Dish | Subject | Person | Game |
Roza | White | Morog Polao | English | Palli kabi, Jasimuddin | Chess |
Soma | Red | Chicken and rice | History | Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam | Tennis |
Redwan | Blue | Beef and rice | Islamic History | Hazrat Muhammad (sm.) | Football |
Evana | Pink | Khichuri | English | Mother Teresa | Badminton |
Marfi | Black | Chicken-roast polao | Geography | Father and mother | Wrestling |
Adnan | White | Hilsha-fry and rice | Physics | Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam | Cycling |
10.4 | Now in pairs discuss how your friend is unique/different from others. Then, share it with the whole class.
Student 1: Hi Dipto! You are really special.
Student 2: Thank you. But how?
Student 1: Some qualities you possess are very much uncommon to most of us.
Student 2: This is your goodness. You see something great in me.
Student1: Your name also bears specialty. You are a brilliant one. Besides, you are a patient. friendly and amicable person. I wonder how you manage every situation well.
Student 2: Actually, I never think in that way. Whenever I am asked to do anything. I just start with full confidence. Doesn’t matter whether it is difficult or easy. And it is done! Of course, patience with self-confidence is a must.
Student 1: Thank you, you have given me a clue.
Student 2: You’re most welcome. Thank you.
10.5 | Now, in pairs/groups read the text given below. And match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়ো এবং কলাম দুইটির শব্দার্থ মিল করো।
(1+d) Excitement = A feeling of happiness and eagerness.
(2+g) Angel = A messenger of God a kind and beautiful person.
(3+e) Arrive = To reach/ come to a place.
(4+a) Prepare = To make something/someone ready to use.
( 5+ b) Variety = Having different forms or types.
(6+i) Feast = Special/good food for many people.
(7+j) Progress = To do better/to develop.
(8+f) Unique = Being the only one of its kind.
(9+c) Diversity = Having differences.
(10+h) Dull place = Not an interesting place.
10.6 | Read the passage again. In pairs/groups, discuss the answers to the following questions. Then, share the answers with the whole class.
1) Who are Nabiha and Tasfia?
Ans: Nabiha and Tasfia are cousins.
2) How are they similar or different from each other?
Ans: They are similar, as they live in the same family and read in the same class. But they are different in choosing dresses. Nabiha prefers to go wearing a saree, whereas Tasfia likes Salwar Kamiz.
3) “Uniqueness and diversity make the world beautiful”- what does the sentence mean to you?
Ans: “Uniqueness and diversity make the world beautiful”- the sentence means that everybody is unique and their tastes are unique too and human instinct always enjoys such variation. If everything were the same, the world would be a dull place.
4) Do you accept or reject differences among people? / Are you tolerant of others?
Ans: Yes, I accept differences among people. Obviously, I am tolerant of others.
5) Do you think with these differences we all can live happily?
Ans: Yes, I think we can live happily with these differences because everyone has the right to choose the way of life. And he/she has an explanation of his/her own about what he/she is doing.
10.7 | Now, design a poster in groups of 6-8 to make people accept differences. The heading of your poster can be “Uniqueness and diversity make the world a safer place” or you can choose your heading.
Uniqueness and Diversity Make the World a Safer Place
- Uniqueness
- Patience
- Self-confidence
- Steadiness
- Cooperation
- Acceptance
- Friendliness
- Diversity
- Opinion
- Belief
- Style
- Job/Occupation
- Status
- Outlook
Be free-frank and enjoy the world together.