How to Be a Good Mother

How to Be a Good Mother

How to Be a Good Mother

In this post, we will learn how to be a good mother and how many qualities a good mother has. 

Tips on How to Be a Good Mother

As a new mother, I contemplate my role and responsibilities daily. While wonderful, motherhood also comes with its fair share of challenges and self-doubt. Through trial and error plus advice from my mom, I’ve discovered some key things that help me be the best mother I can be.

Love Unconditionally

Tips on How to Be a Good Mother
  • Shower your child in physical affection with plenty of hugs, kisses and cuddles
  • Verbalize “I love you” multiple times a day so they feel secure
  • Accept and celebrate your child’s unique interests and personality
  • Provide emotional support through life’s ups and downs
  • Keep loving, even when they make mistakes or bad choices

The unconditional love I feel for my daughter catches me off guard at times. It’s a soul-gripping, fierce love like I’ve never experienced. I make sure to verbalize it often, tell her how special she is and cover her with kisses daily. No matter what she does or who she becomes, my love for her will remain constant. I want that unconditional devotion engrained in her heart and mind, so she grows up with a firm foundation of love and acceptance. 

Make Time to Listen

  • Schedule at least 10-15 minutes of one-on-one time daily 
  • Put down your phone and make eye contact to show you’re engaged
  • Let them take the lead and resist solving their problems
  • Ask follow up questions and give feedback so they know you hear them

Carving out true listening time has required me to set firm boundaries on my availability. When I’m fully present, I get glimpses into the delightful individual my daughter is becoming. As she babbles about her stuffed animals, favorite songs, and what she did at daycare, I remind myself that this uninterrupted time is more valuable than crossing any task off my to-do list. The relationships I form through listening will matter most in the end.

Find the Right Balance of Discipline

  • Set clear, reasonable expectations and rules 
  • Enforce consequences calmly and consistently when rules are broken
  • Explain reasons for discipline so they understand it comes from care 
  • Temper discipline with forgiveness and do-overs 
  • Modify approach as needed based on age and maturity

I’ll admit, discipline has been a rollercoaster. I ricochet between strict authoritarian and passive pushover. Moving forward, I plan to implement more structure while also granting grace. Kids need to know their boundaries but also that making mistakes won’t jeopardize your love. My goal is to discipline in a way that teaches important lessons but still makes her feel secure. Some days I’ll nail it, some days I’ll mess up. As long as she knows rules are there to guide, not punish, we’ll find our way.

Cherish the Present

  • Soak up precious moments like bedtime snuggles
  • Slow down and be fully in the moment rather than racing to the next task
  • Put your phone away and eliminate distractions when spending quality time together
  • Appreciate the magic of ordinary moments before she grows up too fast

Rocking my little girl to sleep, hearing her giggle, capturing her first rollover on video – these small joys are what life is all about. But it’s so easy to speed through it all to finish my mile long to-do list. I remind myself often that dishes can wait but my little girl’s childhood won’t. She already seems to grow and change by the day. If I don’t consciously slow down and be present, I’ll miss it. Those quiet snuggles will be a distant memory all too soon.  

Being a good mother requires superhuman levels of patience, selflessness and energy. Perfection is unattainable. But armed with unconditional love, making emotional deposits through listening and balancing discipline with grace, I will nurture the beautiful soul growing under my care. And by cherishing each moment along the way, I’ll build a lifetime of precious memories together with my baby girl.  

How to Be a Good Mother? 5 Qualities Must Know About.

How to Be a Good Mother? 5 Qualities Must Know About

Qualities of a Good Mom

1. Patience

Patience is the definition of a good mother. As children grow, they try to learn everything they see. Sometimes, while trying something new, they can also be quite careless. So if they ever break something while playing, please be patient; Don’t yell at them. Because they are ignorant, they do not understand. Take some deep breaths and do your best to relax. Patience is good for both you and your children.

2. Humble

This can be embarrassing and difficult at times, but it is important to examine a situation and apologize to your child if you are in the wrong. Not only does this prevent a situation from escalating, but it also teaches your child the valuable lesson that everyone makes mistakes, young or old. And that’s okay as long as you’re humble enough to admit your mistakes. This will help your child learn that it’s okay to apologize when you make a mistake. And his mother can teach him well how to be humble.

3. Mentor

Notice what your child is most focused on and what he is most interest on. Help the child become self-reliant by helping him develop his skills. When your child grows up and shows interest in things, take time to really teach him. Some children show their talent from an early age. Focus, if your child has a specific talent, help them develop skills and talents so that they can be independent and productive in their lives.

4. Loving

Every mother loves their children, but how they love their children forms the foundation of how they grow up. Love and compassion are good qualities of a person. And we know, every mother has this quality. Be a role model for your children by showing love and compassion to them, so that they grow up to be sincere and loving.

5. Strong 

Being a mother can be a stressful job. A mother is ready to give her all to raise a woman to a healthy and happy child. He must be willing to give up everything he wants. Make sure to be strong for your kids as you see them lead life on a daily basis that will inspire them and teach them valuable lessons about strength and how to persevere and apply it in their daily lives. 


While being a perfect mom is impossible, small mindset and behavior changes can enable you to better nurture and enjoy your children. Prioritize connecting through affection, listening and quality time. Maintain reasonable boundaries and discipline while also extending forgiveness. Appreciate the present without getting caught up worrying about the future. And above all, lavish your kids with unconditional love through every twist and turn. By anchoring yourself in love and presence, you’ll find beauty in life’s simplest of moments and build lasting bonds that make all the challenges worthwhile.