MEDHA’S DREAM – Solution | English – Chapter – 12 | Class 6

MEDHA’S DREAM – Solution | English – Chapter – 12 | Class 6

MEDHA'S DREAM - Solution | English – Chapter – 12 | Class 6

In this post, we’ll learn about Medha’s Dream, which is a topic from Chapter 12, English Subject, Class 6.

Important Vocabularies For This Lesson

  • Funny – মজাদার, মজার
  • Straight line – সোজা, সরলরেখা 
  • Remind – মনে করিয়ে দেয়া
  • Improve – উন্নতি করা
  • Encourage – উৎসাহিত করা 
  • Sketch – আঁকা, নকশা 
  • Extremely – ব্যাপকভাবে 
  • Fulfill – পরিপূর্ণ করা
  • According to – অনুসারে 
  • Hang – ঝুলিয়ে দেয়া

12.1 | Look at the picture below and discuss the use of a diary.


In the picture we see a diary. The owner of the diary wrote down what she/he did and what she/he would do. A diary is a notebook where a person puts down his/her daily activities. It is a good habit and useful as well since a person can. remember his/her activities through a diary.

12.2 | Discuss the following questions in pairs and write down the answers in a complete sentence. Then, underline all the verbs and say which verb refers to what time (Present, past, or future)

Q: What are the five things you did yesterday?

Ans: I did my homework, cleaned my room, worked in the garden, helped mom and played with my little sister. 

Q: What are the five things you usually do?

Ans: I do my homework, help my grandfather in the garden, help mom in the kitchen, clean my room and go to drawing class.

Q: What are the five things you will do tomorrow?

Ans: I shall do my homework, work in the garden, clean my room, go to music class and have family time. That’s all.

★ Discussion in Pairs 

S1: Hello! How are you? Can we talk?
S2: I’m fine. What about you? Of course, we can talk.
S1: I’m fine too. Well, we do several things every day. Let’s talk about it…
S2: Alright. Tell me about the five things you did yesterday
S1: I did my homework, cleaned my room, worked in the garden, helped mom and played with my little sister. You tell me what five things do you usually do.
S2: I do my homework, help my grandfather in the garden, help mom in the kitchen, clean my room and go to drawing class. What five things will you do tomorrow?
S1: I shall do my homework, work in the garden, clean my room, go to music class and have a family time. That’s all.

12.4 | Identify the tenses (Present, Past and Future) of the following sentences:

নিচের বাক্যগুলোতে Tense (Present Past / Future) চিহ্নিত করো।

1. My handwriting is much better now.

2. I found one of my notebooks.

3. I can improve my handwriting.

4. I couldn’t even draw a straight line.

5. I will draw a picture of my parents and hang it in my room.

6. My handwriting became good after a few years of practice.

7. Now I’m practicing drawing a lot.

8. When I will be good enough at sketching, I will fulfill my wishes.


1. Present Tense (বর্তমান কাল)

2. Past Tense (অতীত কাল)

3. Present Tense (বর্তমান কাল)

4. Past Tense (অতীত কাল) 

5. Future Tense (ভবিষ্যৎ কাল) 

6. Past Tense (অতীত কাল)

7. Present Tense (বর্তমান কাল)

8. Future Tense (ভবিষ্যৎ কাল)

12.5 | Read the sentences and notice their structures in pairs. One is given for you 

(বাক্যগুলো পড়ো এবং তাদের গঠনসমূহ লক্ষ করো। একটি বাক্য তোমার জন্য করে দেয়া আছে।)

Example : I write letters to my father. (আমি আমার বাবার কাছে চিঠি লিখি।)

Structure: Subject ( I ) + Verb in present form (write) + Object (letters). [বার্তা (ক) + ক্রিয়ার বর্তমান রূপ (write) + কৰ্ম (letter) ……….]

a. Eating an apple every day is a good habit. 

Structure: Subject (Eating an apple) + Verb in present form (is)+ object (a good habit)

b. Our school remained close for the COVID-19 lockdowns. 

Structure: Subject (Our school) + Verb in past form (remained) + object (close)

c. From tomorrow I will help my mother. 

Structure: Subject ( I ) + Verb in future form (will help) + object (my mother)

12.6 | Read the story again and in pairs, pick any 10 sentences and write their structures. 

Ans. Pair Activity 

S1: Hey, have you read the story?
S2: Yes, I have. Now let’s pick 10 sentences and write their structures.
S1: Alright. The first one is: ‘I couldn’t hold the pencil correctly. And the structure is: Subject (I) + Verb in past form (couldn’t hold) + Object (the pencil).
S2: The second one is: ‘I can improve anything.’ And the structure is: Subject (I) + Verb in present form (can improve) + Object (anything).
S1: The third one: ‘My handwriting is much better. now.’ And the structure: Subject (My handwriting) + Verb in present form (is)+ Object (much better).
S2: The 4th one: “I will draw a picture of my parents.” And the structure: Subject (I) + Verb in future form (will draw) + Object (a picture).
S1: The 5th one: ‘I found one of my notebooks.’ And the structure: Subject (I) + Verb in past form. (found) + Object (my notebook).
S2: The 6th one: ‘Now I’m practicing drawing a lot.” And the structure: Subject (I) + Verb in present form (am practicing) + Object (drawing).
S1: The 7th one : ‘I will decorate my room with my painting. And the structure: Subject (I) + Verb in future form (will decorate)+ Object (my room).
S2: The 8th one: ‘It reminded me of my childhood’. And the structure: Subject (It) Verb in past form (reminded)+ Object (me/my childhood).
S1: The 9th one : ‘I want to become an artist.’ And the structure Subject (1) + Verb in present form (want)+ Object (an artist).
S2: The 10th one: ‘I will fulfill my wishes’. And the structure: Subject (1) + Verb in future form (will fulfill)+ Object (my wishes).

12.7 | Read the sentences in the present tense and change them into the past and the future. 

[Present Tense এর বাক্যগুলোকে পড়ো এবং তাদেরকে Past(অতীত) এবং Future (ভবিষ্যৎ) Tense এ পরিবর্তন করো।


Present (Subject + V1+ ……)Past(Subject + V2+……)Future (Subject + shall/will + V1+……)
Today I read an essay on the Sundarbans. (আজ আমি সুন্দরবনের ওপর একটি প্রবন্ধ/ রচনা পড়ি।)Yesterday I read an essay on the Sundarbans. (গতকাল আমি সুন্দরবনের ওপর একটি প্রবন্ধ / রচনা পড়েছিলাম।)Tomorrow I shall read an essay on the Sundarbans. (আগামীকাল আমি সুন্দরবনের ওপর একটি প্রবন্ধ/ রচনা পড়বো।)
It makes me interested to visit the Sundarbans. (এটি আমাকে সুন্দরবন বেড়ানোর ব্যাপারে আগ্রহী করে।)It made me interested to visit the Sundarbans. (এটি আমাকে সুন্দরবন বেড়ানোর ব্যাপারে আগ্রহী করেছিল।)It will make me interested to visit the Sundarbans. (এটি আমাকে সুন্দরবন বেড়ানোর ব্যাপারে আগ্রহী করবে।)
And I decide to visit it next month. (আর আমি আগামী মাসে সেখানে বেড়ানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নেই।)And I decided to visit it the following month. (আর আমি পরের মাসে সেখানে বেড়ানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছিলাম।)And I shall decide to the next month. (আর আমি আগামী মাসে সেখানে বেড়ানোর সিদ্ধান্ত নেব।)
I also take my parent’s permission. (আমি বাবা- মায়ের অনুমতিও নেই।)I also took my parent’s L permission. (আমি বাবা-মায়ের অনুমতিও নিলাম।)I shall also take my parent’s permission. (আমি বাবা-মায়ের অনুমতিও নেব।)
I am very happy now. (আমি এখন খুব খুশি।)I was very happy then. (আমি তখন খুব খুশি হলাম।)I shall be very happy then. (আমি তখন খুব খুশি হবো।)

12.8 | Read the sentences below and compare the present, past and future among yourselves. Then tick the correct verb forms. 

(নিচের বাক্যগুলো পড়ো এবং বর্তমান, অতীত ও ভবিষ্যৎকাল অনুযায়ী শুদ্ধ Verb ব্যবহার করে লেখ।)


1. I go to school everyday. (আমি প্রতিদিন বিদ্যালয়ে যাই।)

2. The sun rises in the east. (সূর্য পূর্বদিকে উদিত হয়।)

3. Honesty helps to make us happy. (সততা আমাদের সুখী হতে সাহায্য করে।)

4. I will take a walk tomorrow. (আমি আগামীকাল হাঁটতে যাবো।)

5. He helped a beggar yesterday. (তিনি গতকাল এক ভিক্ষুককে সাহায্য করেন।)

6. I got a gift from my teacher last month. (গতমাসে আমি আমার শিক্ষকের কাছ থেকে একটি উপহার পেয়েছিলাম।)

7. My friends played with me last Friday. (গত শুক্রবার আমার বন্ধুরা আমার সাথে খেলেছিল।) 

8. He will prepare lunch for his mother tomorrow. (সে আগামীকাল তার মায়ের জন্য দুপুরের খাবার তৈরি করবে।)

12.9 | Read the following situations and add some sentences using proper tenses: 

( Situation গুলো পড়ো এবং সঠিক Tense ব্যবহার করে কয়েকটি বাক্য লেখ।)

Situation 1 : Daily Routine of Rajib (পরিস্থিতি-১ রাজীবের দৈনিক কর্মসূচি)


Rajib is the youngest of three siblings. He is in class six. He is an early bird. After getting up he goes for a walk. Then he studies for sometimes. He takes his bath and starts for school. When the school is finished he returns home and takes lunch. After taking rest for a while he goes to play in the field. He returns home in the evening and does his homework. He takes supper and watches TV for sometimes before going to bed.

Situation 2 : My Dream ( পরিস্থিতি-২ : আমার স্বপ্ন)


I am Ratul. I lived in a small village in Munshiganj. From my childhood, I had a dream to study in a Public University. So, I studied very hard in the school. I passed the SSC Exam with GPA-5. Then I got admitted in Haraganga College and passed my HSC Exam also with GPA-5. After that I started preparation for the admission test. I worked very hard for that. Finally when the result comes out I was selected to study in Dhaka University. My long cherished dream came true.

Situation 3: How to Follow Direction (পরিস্থিতি -৩: নির্দেশনা কীভাবে অনুসরণ করতে হয়)


First, I will make a committee. The duties will be divided among the three groups of the committee. One group will inform the students and collect subscriptions from them. Another group will buy the decoration and food items for the party. The third group that will be led- by me will supervise the arrangement from the beginning to the end. We shall see whether all the students are taking part in the party, discipline is maintained and the food is distributed properly.