In this post, we’ll learn about Playing With The Words which is a topic from Chapter 2, English Subject, Class 7.
Important Vocabularies For This Lesson
- Scold – বকা/ধমক দেওয়া
- Supportive – সাহায্যকারী
- Create – সৃষ্টি করা
- Remove – বাদ দেওয়া
- Permit – অনুমতি দেওয়া
- Unlike – মতো নয়
- Instead – পরিবর্তে
- Seem – মনে হওয়া
- Likewise – একইভাবে
2.1 | Look at the following illustration and in pairs/groups ask and answer the following questions. You can choose any option but tell the class why you choose it.
a. Do you like or dislike cricket?
b. Are the players spirited or spiritless?
c. Are the two teams friendly or unfriendly?
d. Are the audience happy or unhappy?
e. Are they supportive or unsupportive?
f. Are the seats comfortable or uncomfortable?
g. Do you agree or disagree that playing cricket is helpful for making friends? If yes, how?
Ans: We are a group of four friends, discussing the above illustration.
Friend 1: Hi Friends. Do you like cricket?
Friend 2: Of course, I like it.
Friend 3, 4: We also like it very much.
Friend 1: Can you tell me, why?
Friend 3: Because it is a very exciting game.
Friend 2: Are the players spirited or spiritless?
Friend 1: Obviously they are spirited. They never lose their enthusiasm.
Friend 3: Are the two teams friendly or unfriendly?
Friend 4: Definitely they are friendly. I think, if they are unfriendly, they can’t perform smoothly. But are the audience happy or unhappy? What do you think?
Friend 3: Yes. In the illustration, the audience are clapping their hands. It shows that they are happy.
Friend 1: Are they supportive or unsupportive ?
Friend 2: Undoubtedly they are supportive. We can see that they are inspiring the players by clapping their hands.
Friend 4: Are the seats comfortable or uncomfortable?
Friend 1,2,3: We think the seats are comfortable as the playground is seeming to be spacious enough. And nobody is showing any expression of discomfort
Friend 2: Ok. Do you agree or disagree that playing cricket is helpful for making friends? If yes, how?
Friend 1: I myself agree that cricket is helpful for making friends. And I think you also do, because this game helps the players to work together, to support, co-operate and understand one another. Besides, meeting. talking and sharing joys together open the door of friendship.
Friend 2,3,4: Sure, friend. We agree with you. Thank you.
2.2 | Now in pairs/groups, read the note given below and divide the words. into prefixes, root or root words and suffixes. Then, do pair / group checking. One is done for you.
Activity: Divide the words into prefixes, root or root words and suffixes. (শব্দগুলোকে prefix, root অথবা root words এবং suffixes এ ভাগ কর।)
Word | Prefix | Root or root word | Suffix |
Dislike | Dis | Like | No suffix |
Spiritless | x | Spirit | Less |
Unfriendly | Un | Friend | Ly |
Unhappy | Un | Happy | x |
Unsupportive | Un | Support | Ive |
Uncomfortable | Un | Comfort | Able |
Disagree | Dis | Agree | x |
2.3 | In pairs/groups, read the passage given below and discuss what prefixes and suffixes you will add to the underlined root words to make the sentences meaningful. Note that you may need to add only prefixes or suffixes, and for some words you may need to add the both.
Our Unique Team
Prefix | Root or root words | Suffix | Word |
x | Enjoy | ing | Enjoying |
x | Watch | ing | Watching |
x | Perform | ance | Performance |
x | Play | er | Player |
x | Wind | ow | Window |
x | Near | est | Nearest |
x | Proud | ly | Proudly |
Wel | Come | x | Welcome |
x | Happy | ly | Happily |
Con | Test | x | Contest |
2.4 | More to read!
A. Prefixes
Write at least two words with each prefix:
Prefix | Meaning | Example word | Your words | Your sentences |
Re | doing again | restart | recharge, rehearse | 1. Mom needs to recharge her mobile phone. 2. I will definitely rehearse my role as many times as possible. |
Pre | before/earlier | preorder | precondition, pretest | 1. Graduation is the precondition for applying for the job. 2. I am going to sit for the pretest this month. |
En | in/ within | enlist | endanger, enrich | 1. Water pollution endangers fish population also. 2. Newspaper enriches our general knowledge. |
Un, Dis. Non, Ir. II, In/ Im | The opposite of something or someone | dishonour | impure, irregular | 1. We must not drink impure water. 2. Turin is very irregular in classes. |
Anti | against/the opposite of someone or something | antibody | antisocial, antivirus | 1. Police works to stop any antisocial activity. 2. I installed an antivirus program in my computer. |
Mis | incorrect/wrong | misspell | mistake, misbehave | 1. Correct the mistakes you have done. 2. Don’t misbehave with others. |
Non | not/no/none | nonstop | nonprofit, Nongovernment | 1. Voluntary organizations run nonprofit activities. 2. ‘Democracy watch’ is a nongovernment organization |
Uni | One | uniform | university, universal | 1. Dhaka University was called the Oxford of the East. 2. Violation of human rights is a universal problem. |
Co | together/with | cooperate | co-curricular, co-operation | 1. Debate is co-curricular a activity. 2. I would not forget your co- operation about this. |
Sub | Under | subject | subtract, sub-inspector | 1. They have subtracted some vital points from the list. 2. My brother is a sub-inspector of police. |
B. Suffixes
Write at least two words with each suffix:
Suffix | Meaning | Example word | Your words | Your sentences |
Able | The adjective form of the word | achievable | comfortable capable | 1. The seat is very comfortable. 2. I am capable of leading my class. |
ion, tion, ation | condition/ result/process | situation | formation, combination | 1. This chapter discusses the formation of new words. 2. Water is the combination of oxygen and hydrogen. |
ive | The adjective form of the word | active | supportive, formative | 1. My friends are very supportive. 2. An artist needs to have formative skills. |
al, ial | The adjective form of the word | cordial | formal, adverbial | 1. He has no formal education. 2. Non-finite verbs are called adverbials. |
y | The adjective form of the word | lucky | moody, speedy | 1. Our headmaster is a moody person. 2. Hare is a speedy animal |
ly | The adverb form of the word | quickly | slowly, surprisingly | 1. The scout marched passed the chief guest slowly 2. He solved the problem surprisingly. |
Ness | state/condition | politeness | kindness, firmness | 1. Kindness of Hazi Mohsin is well known to all. 2. I saw his firmness to make a success. |
Ous | possessing a quality | virtuous | serious, prestigious | 1. Bribing is a serious offence. 2. ‘Ekushe Padak’ is a prestigious award. |
Ful | Full of | careful | truthful, beautiful | 1. We should be truthful from right now. 2. They have a beautiful garden. |
Ing | making continuous tense | writing | doing, watching | 1. I am doing my home work. 2. Parents are watching television. |
2.5 | In pairs/groups, read the following text and fill in the gaps with words from the box. Then, share your answers with the whole class. One is done for you.
জোড়ায় বা দলে ভাগ হয়ে নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়ো এবং নিচের শব্দগুলো নিয়ে শূন্যস্থানগুলো পূরণ করো। তারপর, তোমার উত্তর শ্রেণিতে উপস্থাপন করো। বোঝার সুবিধার্থে প্রথম শূন্যস্থানটি পূরণ করে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
meaning, prefixes, opposite, new, added, suffixes, end, group |
There are many ways of making (a) new words. One important way is using prefixes and suffixes. Prefix and suffix are (b) …….. of letters added to a root or root word. A Group of letters (c)……… at the beginning of the root words are known as prefixes. For example, ‘ir’ in ‘irregular’ (ir+regular) is a prefix that makes the root word’s meaning negative. Un (unfortunate), anti (anti-climax), em (empower), dis (disqualified) etc. are some examples of (d)……… On the other hand, a group of letters added to the (e)…… of the rood words are called suffixes. For example, ‘less’ in ‘Helpless’ (Help + less) is a suffix. Other commonly used (f)…….. are ly (commonly), ion (promotion), ness (kindness), ful (hopeful). Both prefixes and suffixes change the (g)……. of the root words differently including changing parts of speech (e.g. “rich’ is an adjective, ‘enrich’ is a verb), making (h)…………. (e.g. real – unreal) meaning etc. Affixation is a fun way of increasing our vocabulary, isn’t it?
- new
- group
- added
- prefixes
- end
- suffixes
- meaning
- opposite
2.7 | Time to play a game! (Every pair is a group)
Let’s have a look at the common synonyms and antonyms:
Word | Synonym | Antonym |
Wrong | Incorrect | Correct |
Unmarried | Single | Married |
Choose | Select | Reject |
Writer | Author | Reader |
Behave | Act | Misbehave |
Old | Ancient | Young |
Buy | Purchase | Sell |
Common | Usual | Uncommon |
End | Finish | Endless |
Fast | Quick | Slow |
Neat | Tidy | Dirty |
Rich | Wealthy | Poor |
Encourage | Inspire | Discourage |
Respect | Honour | Disrespect |
Complete | Finish | Incomplete |
2.8 | Now, in pairs/groups find the antonyms of words given in column A from column B and draw a line to match them. Then, check the answers with the whole class.
এখন জোড়া বা দলে ভাগ হয়ে A সারিতে দেওয়া শব্দগুলোর antonym গুলো B সারি থেকে খুঁজে বের করো এবং দাগ দিয়ে মিল করো। তারপর, তোমার উত্তরগুলো ক্লাসে বলে বাকিদের সাথে যাচাই করে নাও।
Column A (words) | Column B ( Antonyms) |
Accept | Refuse |
Alive | Dead |
Advantage | Disadvantage |
Deep | Shallow |
Easy | Difficult |
Divide | Unite |
Add | Subtract |
Brave | Coward |
Complex | Simple |
Destroy | Create |
Full | Empty |
Huge | Tiny |
2.9 | In pairs/groups, read the following text and write the antonyms of the underlined words using appropriate prefixes in the given table. Then, share your answers with the whole class. One is done for you.
দল বা জোড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়ো এবং নিচে দাগ দেওয়া শব্দগুলোর সাথে উপযুক্ত prefix যুক্ত করে antonyms তৈরি করে নিচের টেবিলে লেখো। তারপর তোমার উত্তরগুলো ক্লাসে উপস্থাপন করো। বোঝার সুবিধার্থে প্রথম শব্দটির সাথে prefix যুক্ত করে antonym তৈরি করে দেওয়া হয়েছে।
Be Respectful to Others
It was a 1) happy day for Anik. What made him 2) pleased as his mother had been charging her mobile phone. After 30 minutes, she noticed the charger was 3) connected. The phone had not even been charged. “Who has disconnected the charger?” asked his mother. “This is me” Anik answered sadly, “I 4) plucked your mobile phone and added my Tab for charging. If the Tab is not charged timely, the games 5) appear!” “This is 6) fair, Anik” his mother added. “My son, don’t? 7) obey the rules! I told you several times that you must ask me before doing it. Besides, an electric charger should be handled carefully.” “Sorry, mom for my 8) responsible behaviour. I’ll never 9) regard you.” “That’s okay Anik” his mother replied. Though it made him unhappy, he understood he should think about others.
Word | Prefix | Antonym |
1) Happy | Un- | Unhappy |
2) Pleased | Dis- | Displeased |
3) Connected | Dis- | Disconnected |
4) Plug | Un- | Unplug |
5) Appear | Dis | Disappear |
6) Fair | Un- | Unfair |
7) Obey | Dis | Disobey |
8) Responsible | Ir- | Irresponsible |
9) Regard | Dis- | Disregard |
2.10 Let’s reflect on our learning from this unit!
এই অধ্যায় থেকে আমরা যা শিখলাম তা নিয়ে চলো কাজ করি।
From this unit, you have learned many words, their synonyms and antonyms.
Now, prepare a poster in a group of 5-6 with all the words you have learned from this unit. Then write their synonyms and antonyms. Finally, hang it on the wall for others to learn.
- Supportive
- Remove
- Spirited
- Commonly
- Highest
- Unacceptable
- Respectful
- Learned
- Meaning
- Unlike
- Finally
- Comfortable
- Appear