In this post, we’ll learn about Save Our Home, which is a topic from Chapter 16, English Subject, Class 6.
Important Vocabularies For This Lesson
- Surrounding – চারপাশে
- Increase – বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া
- Decrease – হ্রাস পাওয়া
- Environment – পরিবেশ
- Cultivable land – চাষের উপযোগী জমি
- Brick kiln – ইটের ভাটা
- Comic strip – মজার কথা
- Long face – গোমড়া মুখ
- Aware – সতর্ক
- Aquarium – মাছ রাখার জন্য কৃত্রিমভাবে তৈরি কাচের পাত্র।
- Awful – ভয়ংকর।
16.1 | the box below, there are some names of your surrounding. Discuss in pairs/groups, which of them are increasing (becoming more) and which are decreasing (becoming less) in your environment. And list them in table A
(নিচের Box-এ তোমার আশেপাশে অবস্থিত এমন কিছুর নাম আছে। জোড়ায় দলে আলোচনা করো তাদের কোন কোনগুলো পরিবেশে বৃদ্ধি পাচ্ছে এবং কোন কোনগুলো হ্রাস পাচ্ছে। নিচের সারণিতে সেগুলো লেখ।)
Things that are increasing in your environment(তোমার পরিবেশে যে জিনিসগুলো বৃদ্ধি পাচ্ছে) | Things that are decreasing in your environment (তোমার পরিবেশে যে জিনিসগুলো হ্রাস পাচ্ছে) |
1. Cars 2. Houses 3. Heat 4. Animals 5. Machines 6. Plastic 7. Market Place 8. Dust 9. Buildings 10. Wastes 11. Rickshaws 12. Floods 13. Chemical Fertilizer 14. Brick kiln | 1. Rivers 2. Ponds 3. Rain 4. Cultivable land 5. Trees 6. Birds 7. Roads 8. Play grounds 9. Fishes 10. Forests 11. Crops |
16.2 | Now, see table A again, and discuss in pairs / groups the following question
(এখন সারণিতে আবার দেখো। জোড়ায় দলে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো আলোচনা করো)
a) Are your findings safe for your environment? If yes, why? If not, why?
Ans: No, these are not safe for our environment. Because these changes create environment pollution such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, etc. And these pollutions are harmful for all living beings.
b) Do you think this change in your environment creates problems for your health? If yes, tell about 2/3 problems.
Ans: Yes, I do. Air pollution causes serious diseases like heart diseases, cancer, etc. and water pollution causes water-borne diseases like diarrhoea, cholera, etc. So Roney, what can we do to protect our environment?
c) What can you do to protect your environment? Tell 2/3 of them.
Ans: To protect environment, we can plant more and more trees, reduce the use of cars, use less plastic things and chemical fertilizers, and keep our environment clean.
Discussion in Pairs ( জোড়ায় আলোচনা)
Roney : Sunny, you see that some things are increasing and some are decreasing in your environment. Are these changes safe for your environment? If yes, why? If not, why? |
Sunny : No, these are not safe for our environment. Because these changes create environment pollution such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, etc. And these pollutions are harmful for all living beings. |
Roney : That’s awful! Do you think this change creates problems for your health? |
Sunny : Yes, I do. Air pollution causes serious diseases like heart diseases, cancer, etc. and water pollution causes water-borne diseases like diarrhoea, cholera, etc. So Roney, what can we do to protect our environment? |
Roney : Well. To protect environment, we can plant more and more trees, reduce the use of cars, use less plastic things and chemical fertilizers, and keep our environment clean. |
Sunny : You’re right. We all should do it. |
16.3 | In pairs/groups read the following “Comic Strip and match the following expressions with their meanings.
জোড়ায়/দলে নিচের Comic Strip গুলো পড়ো এবং অর্থের সাথে মিল রেখে অভিব্যক্তিগুলো মিলাও।
Expressions | Expressions |
1. Why the long face? | What makes you sad? |
2. If not, why are friends for? | In need, a true friend is always. beside a friend. |
3. Be done with your sad face. | It’s time to be happy. |
4. That’s awful! | It’s very sad! |
5. What this world is coming to! | Life in the world isn’t as safe as it was in the past |
16.4 | Read the comic strip again and discuss in groups/pairs what makes everyone (Sifat, the tree, the bird, the fish) sad. Write all the reasons you find.
Comic Strip গুলো আবার পড়ো এবং দলে/ জোড়ায় কেন সবাই (সিফাত, গাছ, পাখি এবং মাছ) ব্যথিত। তুমি যে কারণগুলো পেয়েছ তা লেখ।
The characters in the comic strip | The reasons for sadness |
1. Sifat | His best friend in moving to another city. |
2. The tree | All the trees have been cut down. |
3. The bird | They lost their home. |
4. The fish | Their home is getting small. |
16.5 | Now, in pairs/groups, choose one of the ways to make Sifat, the tree, the bird, and the fish happy. You can choose more than one option. Also, explain why you choose that.
এখন জোড়ায়/দলে একটি পথ বের করো যাতে সিফাত, গাছ, পাখি এবং মাছকে খুশি করা যায়। তুমি একের অধিক উত্তর বেছে নিতে পারে। তবে তা ব্যাখ্যা করতে হবে কেনো একের অধিক উত্তর তুমি বেছে নিয়েছ।
a) If one of your best friends is unhappy. You will-
i) spend a good time with him.
ii) offer some gifts.
iii) listen to him attentively
iv) tell a joke
Ans: (i) spend a good time with him
b) If your friend, the bird, lost his home as someone cut the tree. You will-
i) buy a cage for him
ii) plant as many trees as possible
iii) tell people not to cut trees
iv) make a new nest in a tree
Ans: ii) plant as many trees as possible
iii) tell people not to cut trees
c) If your friend, the tree, lost his family to meet up human needs. You will-
i) plant new trees
ii) tell people about the importance of trees iii) write to newspaper against it
iv) make a long face
Ans: i) plant new trees
ii) tell people about the importance of trees
d) If your friend, the fish, lost his home because people are filling the water bodies. You will-
i) put him into an aquarium
ii) try to forget it
iii) make posters to make people aware
iv) talk to your friends and make a plan
Ans: iii) make posters to make people aware
iv) talk to your friends and make a plan
16.6 | Read the comic strip again. In groups, think of some solutions to keep all of your friends (the tree, the bird, and the fish) safe and happy. Then, rewrite/retell the story with the solutions. You can write, draw or create a comic strip for telling the story. Then, share it with the whole class.
Comic Strip গুলো আবার পড়ো। দলে কিছু সমাধান চিন্তা কর যাতে তোমার সব বন্ধুদের (গাছ, পাখি এবং মাছ) নিরাপদ ও খুশি রাখা যায় তারপর সমাধানসহ গল্পটি পুরো লেখ। তুমি লিখে, ছবি এঁকে অথবা Comic Strip এর মাধ্যমে গল্পটি বলতে পারো। তারপর পুরো শ্রেণিতে গল্পটি Share করো।
Ans: Rewriting the story with the solutions creating a comic strip (কমিক স্ট্রিপ তৈরির মাধ্যমে সমাধানসহ গল্পটি পুনঃলিখন)
The Tree : People are becoming selfish. But they must think of environment of their own sake. |
The Bird : They should not cut down trees. Rather they plant more and more trees. |
The Fish : Not only that. They must not fill the water bodies as fishes live in water. |
Sifat : Obviously! You all are right. If it happens, we all can live happily, can’t we? |
The Tree: The Bird & The Fish (together): Yes, we can! |