Send An E-Mail To Him/Her About The Importance Of Learning English In All Stages Of Life

Send An E-Mail To Him/Her About The Importance Of Learning English In All Stages Of Life

To :
Sent : Sunday, April 20, 2019; 10:00 pm.
Subject: About the importance of English.

File Dear Masuda,

I am really shocked to learn that you are not at all interested to learn English. You will be wondered to learn that the importance of learning English can never be over- emphasized. About 300 million people all over the world use English as their first language. Another 350 million people use English as their second language. English is used as official or semi official language in many countries and international organizations. English helps us to communicate across the national borders. Even English can help us to give us better jobs and better salaries.
So, there is no scope to neglect English. Rather we all, especially you should take it as regular company. Give more concentration to learn English. Ok, best wishes to you and all.
Yours ever,