In this post, we’ll learn about The Frog and The Ox, which is a topic from Chapter 4, English Subject, Class 7.
Important Vocabularies For This Lesson
- Related – সম্পর্কিত
- Sibling – সহোদর
- Passionate – উৎসাহী
- Encourage – উৎসাহিত করা
- Pride – গর্ব
- Reply – উত্তর দেওয়া
- Compare – তুলনা করা
- Scenic – প্রাকৃতিক
- Patient – ধৈর্যশীল
- Leisure time – অবসর সময়
4.1 | In pairs/groups, discuss how they are related to each other.
কীভাবে তারা একে অপরের সাথে সম্পর্কযুক্ত, দল বা জোড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে তা আলোচনা করো।
Ans: A paired discussion on how noun, pronoun and adjectives are related:
Popy : Hello, Roksar! Do you know what a noun is?
Roksar : Yes, I know. A noun is a word which is lived to refer to a person, thing or a place etc. such as ‘Roksara’: ‘car’, ‘Dhaka’
Popy : That’s fine! Can you tell me what a pronoun is?
Roksar : Why not? A pronoun is a word that you use to refer to someone or something when you do not need to use a noun, often because the person or thing has been mentioned earlier.
Popy : That’s nice! Can you give some examples.
Roksar : Yes. Examples are ‘it’, ‘she’, ‘something’ and ‘myself. However, do you know what an adjective is?
Popy : Yes. An adjective is a word that describes or qualifies a person or thing, or gives extra information about them such as ‘big’, ‘dead’, or ‘financial’. Adjectives usually come before nouns or after linking verbs.
Roksar : That’s great! But can you explain how they are related?
Popy : OK. Let me explain with an example. When we say ‘Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. It is a densely populated country. Here, Dhaka’ is a noun, as it is the name of a city. ‘It’ is a pronoun, as it is used for the noun ‘Dhaka’. And ‘populated’ is an adjective, as it qualifies that noun.
Roksar : How nicely you have explained! Thank you very much.
Popy : You are welcome.
4.2 | Now, read the text below and ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups. (If needed have a look at the class 6 English book, unit “A Day in the Life of Mina)”.
এখন, নিচের লেখাটি পড়ো এবং দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর একে-অপরকে জিজ্ঞাসা করো এবং উত্তর দাও। (প্রয়োজনে ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বইয়ের ‘A Day in the Life of Mina’ অধ্যায়টি দেখতে পারো
a) Which parts of speech are the underlined words?
b) What are the positions of these words in a sentence?
c) What are the functions of these words? What do they do in the sentences?
Ans : A paired discussion on the given questions:
Anwar : Hello Kashem! Do you know which parts of speech are the underlined words in the text?
Kashem : Yes. The underlined words kindest, tall, handsome, small, eldest, passionate, encouraging, smiling-all are adjectives. These words qualify the nouns or the pronouns of the sentences they are used.
Anwar : Nice. Can you describe the positions of these adjectives in the sentences?
Kashem : Obviously. The adjectives ‘kindest’ in the first sentence; small in the third sentence; ‘eldest in the fourth sentence and ‘smiling’ in the seventh sentence are attributive adjectives. It is because they are used before the nouns.
Anwar : What about the rest of the adjectives?
Kashem : The adjectives ‘tall’ and ‘handsome’ in the second sentence; passionate’ in the fifth sentence; and ‘encouraging’ in the sixth sentence are predicative adjectives. It is because they are used after the nouns.
Anwar : Is there any noticeable thing in the predicative use of adjectives?
Kashem : Yes. We can notice that predicative adjectives do not occur immediately after the noun. Instead, they follow a verb.
Anwar : Wherever the positions of these adjectives are they do the same thing. Right?
Kashem : Yes, they qualify the nouns or the pronouns before or after which they are used.
Anwar : Thanks for your valuable discussion.
Kashem : You are always welcome.
4.3 | Read the story and match the words in column A with their meanings in column B in pairs/groups.
গল্পটি পুনরায় পড়ো এবং দল বা জুটিতে ভাগ হয়ে A কলামের শব্দগুলোর সাথে B কলামে দেওয়া শব্দের অর্থগুলোর মিল করো।
The Frog and the Ox
A big frog once lived in a small pond. Because he was the biggest creature in the pond, the frog decided he must also be the biggest thing in the world. As he sunned himself on his lily pad, he puffed out his chest with pride.
“No one anywhere is bigger than I am,” he thought.
One day a huge ox came to drink at the pond. The frog was amazed, but he refused to be impressed.
“I suppose you think you are big,” the frog called out to the ox. “But I want you to know that I can make myself just as big as you.”
The ox did not reply. He just kept on drinking.
“If you don’t believe me,” shouted the frog, “just watch!”
The frog took a deep breath and blew himself up to twice his usual size. But still, the ox paid no attention to him.
“So, that’s not big enough for you?” croaked the frog. Very well. I’ll make myself bigger still.” He blew himself up even larger.
Again the ox said nothing. He simply turned away and headed for the other side of the pond. He had had enough to drink. This made the frog furious. Taking an enormous breath, he blew…and blew…and blew himself up until he burst. And that was the end of the big frog in the small pond. So, nobody should try to be what you can’t be.
Column A (Word) | Column B (Meaning) |
Creature | Any living thing, especially an animal |
Puffed | To make something larger by filling it with air |
Breath | The air that goes into and out of our lungs |
Croak | To make deep sounds like a frog |
Turn away | To move your face in a different direction as you don’t want to see someone or something |
Furious | Extremely angry |
Enormous | Extremely large or great/huge |
Burst | To break open suddenly |
4.4 | Ask and answer the following questions in pairs. Then share your answers with the whole class.
a) Who is the biggest creature in the pond?
Ans: The biggest creature in the pond is the frog.
b) What did the frog do to be as big as the ox ?
Ans: To be as big as the ox, the frog took a deep breath and blew himself up to twice his usual size.
c) How do you describe the frog ?
Ans: I describe the frog as an over ambitious and a foolish creature.
(d) Whom do you think is bigger, the frog or the ox?
Ans: I think the ox is bigger than the frog.
e) What have you learnt from the story?
Ans: From the story. I have learnt that nobody should try to be what he or she can’t be.
4.5 | In pairs/groups identify the adjectives from the story and write who – what the adjectives describe. One is done for you.
Ans: The adjectives from the story and what they describe are presented in the following table:
Adjectives | Who/ what they describe |
1) Big | Describes the size of the frog |
2) Small | Describes the size of the pond |
3) Biggest | Describes the size of the frog in the pond |
4) Bigger | Describes the size of the frog |
5) Huge | Describes the size of the ox |
6) Big | Describes the size of the ox |
7) Deep | Describes the breath of the frog |
4.6 | In pairs/groups read the note given in the box on the degrees of adjectives.
দল বা জোড়ায় ভাগ হয়ে degrees of adjectives এর উপর বক্সে লেখা টীকাটি পড়ো।
Adjectives have three forms/degrees. They are used to compare one thing to another. The three degrees of adjectives are – a) Positive degree: This is the base form of an adjective. It talks about only one thing and it does not show any comparison. Example sentence: Rajshahi is a big city. b) Comparative degree: This form of an adjective is used to compare two things. Example sentence: Chittagong is bigger than Rajshahi.c c) Superlative degree: This form of an adjective is used to compare three or more things. Example sentence: Dhaka is the biggest city in Bangladesh. বিশেষণের তিনটি রূপ/ধরণ / degrees আছে। বিশেষণ একটি বস্তুর সাথে অন্য বস্তুর তুলনায় ব্যবহার করা হয়। বিশেষণের তিনটি degree হল- a) Positive degree: এটি একটি বিশেষণের মূল রূপ। এটি শুধু একটি বস্তুর সম্পর্কে কথা বলে এবং এটি কোনো তুলনা দেখায় না। উদাহরণ: Rajshahi is a big city (রাজশাহী একটি বড় শহর।) b) Comparative degree: বিশেষণের এই রূপটি দুটি জিনিসের তুলনা করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়। উদাহরণ: Chattogram is bigger than Rajshahi. (চট্টগ্রাম রাজশাহীর চেয়ে বড়।) c) Superlative degree: একটি বিশেষণের এই রূপটি তিনটি বা ততোধিক জিনিসের তুলনা করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়। উদাহরণ: Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh. (ঢাকা) বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে বড় শহর।) |
4.7 | Read the following sentences in pairs / groups. Then, identify the forms of the underlined adjectives and their purposes. One is done for you.
Sentence | Degree of Adjective | Purpose |
a) A big frog once | lived in a small pond. | Positive degree | To tell the size of a frog. Here it does not show any comparison. |
b. No one anywhere is bigger than I am. | Comparative degree | To tell the size of a frog. Here it compares the size of the frog with all the creatures in the pond. |
c. The frog decided he must also be the biggest thing in the world. | Superlative degree | To tell the size of a frog. Here it compares the size of the frog with all the creatures / things in the world. |
d. One day a huge ox came to drink at the pond. | Positive degree | To tell the size of an ox. Here it does not show any comparison. |
e. I can make myself just as big as you. | Positive degree | To tell the size of the frog. Here it does compare but it compares itself positively with the ox. |
f. The frog took a deep breath. | Positive degree | To tell the degree of breath. |
4.9 | Read the rules again. And,write the comparative and superlative degrees of the given adjectives in your exercise book. Then compare your answers in pairs.
Positive | Comparative | Superlative |
Slow | Slower | Slowest |
Beautiful | More Beautiful | Most Beautiful |
Happy | Happier | Happiest |
Dangerous | More Dangerous | Most Dangerous |
Ugly | Uglier | Ugliest |
Thin | Thinner | Thinnest |
Famous | More Famous | Most Famous |
Far | Farther | Farthest |
Cold | Colder | Coldest |
Handy | Handier | Handiest |
Talented | More Talented | Most Talented |
Fat | Fatter | Fattest |
4.10 | Look at the picture of Abir’s Family”. Then, in pairs/groups complete- the description of his family using the appropriate forms of adjectives given in the brackets.
Abir’s Family
- Beautiful
- Scenic
- Clean
- Oldest
- Youngest
- Caring
- Quite
- Friendlier
- Little
- Active
- Smart
- Smartest
- Noisiest
- More quite
- More
4.11 | Now, draw a picture of your family members and describe them in a short paragraph. Use all three degrees of adjectives in your description. Later, paste it on the wall and invite your friends to read it.
You can write the paragraph answering the following questions or you can write on your own:
1. How many members are there in your family?
2. Who are they?
3. Who is the youngest and who is the eldest?
4. Who is the most caring and helpful?
5. Who is your best friend? And who is not as friendly as he/she?
6. Who is the most hardworking person? Who else is compared with her/ him?
7. What do you love most about your family?
My Family
There are seven members in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my elder sister. myself and my younger brother. My grandfather is the eldest person and my younger brother is the youngest person in my family. My mother is the most caring and helpful person. My grandmother is my best friend. And my elder sister is not as friendly as she is. My mother is the most hardworking. person. Actually, there is nobody in the family who can be compared with her. The thing that I like most about my family is that, all the members of my family come forward to support each other and remain united at the time of familial emergency situations.