In this post, we’ll learn about The missing tenth man, which is a topic from Chapter 6, English Subject, Class 6.
Important Vocabularies For This Lesson
- Dip – ডুব দেওয়া
- Confused – বিভ্রান্ত
- Gather – সংগ্রহ করা
- Scream – চিৎকার করা
- Emphasis – জোর
- Intonation – স্বরভঙ্গি
6.1 | Read the story. Then, discuss the answer to the following question in pairs/groups.
Question: What has really happened? Why did the result come to nine when they counted each of them?
Myself : Friends, have you gone through the story?
Partners : Yes, friend. So funny a story!
Myself : I think it is a very interesting story. But do you have any idea what has really happened?
Partners-1: I think they all were present while counting.
Partners-2 But how? After each count the result came to nine.
My self : Right you are. Isn’t it so strange? How can it be possible?
Partner 1 : Possible, friends. It’s really a funny thing In fact, each of the ten men counted all others accept himself.
Partners 2: Oh that’s why, the result came to nine each time they counted.
Myself : Rightly you have found out the fact.
Partners-1: It’s really so funny. How foolish they were!
Myself: I think, it was just a matter of their lack of intelligence.
Partners-1 & 2 : Right you are.
Myself : Thanks to you, for sharing your opinions.
6.2 | In pairs/groups, discuss the uses of capital letters in the box below.
Ans: Discussion in Pairs
Rishad : “Where is my new pen? Do you know the use of capital letter in this sentence?
Riyad : Yes. The first letter in a sentence always be capital letter.
Rishad : “Time is money.” – Benjamin Franklin. Do you know the use of capital letter in this sentence?
Riyad : Yes, the uses of the first letter of direct quotes.
Rishad : Runu is going to visit her friend. Tania in Rajshahi. Do you know the use of capital letters in this sentence?
Riyad : Yes, the first letter of the name of people. Places and things always be capital letter.
Rishad : “I like music.” Do you know the use of capital letter in this sentence?
Riyad : Yes, the uses of I when it is about you.
Rishad : “26 March is our Independence Day.” Do you know the use of capital letters in this sentence?
Riyad : Yes, the first letter of the name of days, months and holidays always be capital letter.
Rishad : Dr. Sarwar is my uncle. Do you know the use of capital letters in this sentence?
Riyad : Yes, the first letter of the titles of people always be capital letter.
👉 https://studyian.com/a-day-in-the-life-of-mina-solution-english-chapter-7-class-6/
6.3 | In pairs/groups, read the story again and discuss why the bold letters of the following sentences are in capitals.
The Sentences | Reason |
1. They hold their hands to each other while taking the dip. | 1. As the first letter in the sentence. |
2. One day, a group of ten men go to the Ganges to take a dip | 2. As the first letter of the name of a river. |
3. After returning to the shoes Mr. Rothin one of the senior men, asks… | 3. As the first letter of the title of a person. |
4. “I can help you” | 4. As I is about oneself. |
6.5 | In pairs/groups read the note given below. Discuss the following punctuation marks and draw the appropriate punctuation marks next to the names.
Names | Punctuation marks |
1. Full stop/Period | . |
2. Question Mark | ? |
3. Exclamation Mark | ! |
4. Dash | – |
5. Comma | , |
6. Quotation Mark | ” “ |
7. Colon | : |
8. Slash | / |
9. Semicolon | ; |
10. Round Bracket | () |
6.6 | Read the following note on the use of punctuation marks.
The use of Punctuation marks: (যতিচিহ্নের ব্যবহার:
1. The Full Stop/Period:
A Full Stop (.) is used – দাঁড়ি ব্যবহৃত হয়:
☐ at the end of a sentence. (বাক্যের শেষে ) Example-They are my neighbours .
☐ to shorten a word. (শব্দকে সংক্ষিপ্ত করার জন্য) Example : Oct – October
☐ to initiate letters (বড় কোন শব্দকে সংক্ষেপে বোঝানোর জন্য) UK. United Kingdom. M.P. Member of Parliament.
2. Question Mark (?):
A question mark is used-(প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন ব্যবহৃত হয়।
☐ at the end of a question sentence (প্রশ্নবোধক বাক্যের শেষে) Example-Have you taken breakfast?
3. Exclamation Mark (!):
☐An exclamation marks is used -(বিস্ময়সুচক চিহ্ন ব্যবহৃত হয়)।
☐at the end of a sentence or a short phrase that expresses a very deep or sudden emotion or feeling. (গভীর আবেগ ও বিস্ময় বোঝানোর জন্য অথবা হঠাৎ আবেগ অনুভূতি বোঝানোর জন্য) For example- Wow! What a beautiful picture it is.
☐to show emphasis. (হঠাৎ কোন বিষয়ে জোর দেওয়ার জন্য) For example: Stop! Watch out for the speeding cars!
4. Comma (,):
A comma is used-(কমা ব্যবহৃত হয়)
to give a little pause(বাক্যে অল্প থামার প্রয়োজন হলে): Example- Please, open the window.
to separate items in a list (একটি তালিকার ভিতরের একই ধরনের বস্তুকে আলাদা করার জন্য) For example: Yesterday I bought a book, a pen, a ruler, and a school bag.
5. Quotation mark (“”):
☐ Quotation marks are written as a pair of opening and closing marks in two styles (Quotation Marks লিখা হয় জোড়ায় জোড়ায়। Quotation Marks দুই ধরনের একক Quotation Marks, Double Quotation Marks);
☐ single (…): Single quotation marks are used within a double one to indicate a quotation within a quotation. (Single Quotation Mark ব্যবহৃত হয়. Double Quotation এর ভিতরে নির্দিষ্ট করে কোন কিছুকে বুঝাতে): Turin said that the teacher said, “We will discuss Punctuation marks tomorrow ”
☐ double (“…”): A double quotation mark is used to quote someone directly (Double Quotation ব্যবহৃত হয় কোন ব্যক্তির বক্তব্যকে সরাসরি প্রকাশ করার জন্য) For example- Mother said, “Don’t receive an unknown call.”
👉 Together We Are A Family | Solution | English – Chapter – 5 | Class 6
6.7 | Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence. Then use the appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters where required.
- This is a beautiful tea garden
- Hello, dear friend.
- What are you doing here?
- Dr. Rana is my neighbour.
- I bought a funny, interesting and colourful book.
6.8 | Read the following story and fill in the gaps using capital letters or punctuation marks. Then, tell the story to the class using proper Intonation.
1)__Once in a village, there lived a wise man, People from nearby villages have been coming to the wise man 2)__,__ and complaining about the same problems every time 3)__.__ One day he told the villagers, 4)__ “Dear friends, listen to a joke.” Hearing the joke the villagers roared in laughter. After a couple of minutes 5)__,__ he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled, 6) __when he told the same joke for the third time no one laughed anymore 7) __The wise man smiled and said 8)__,__ “You can’t laugh at the same joke over and over 9)__.__ So why are you always crying about the same problem 10)__?__”