Using Verbs Easily – Solution | English – Chapter – 7 | Class 7

Using Verbs Easily – Solution | English – Chapter – 7 | Class 7

Using Verbs Easily - Solution | English – Chapter – 7 | Class 7

In this post, we’ll learn about Using Verbs Easily, which is a topic from Chapter 7, English Subject, Class 7.

Important Vocabularies For This Lesson

  • Refer – উল্লেখ করা
  • Contaminated – দূষিত 
  • Nearby – নিকটবর্তী 
  • Seller – বিক্রেতা
  • Customer – ক্রেতা
  • Spacious – প্রশস্ত 
  • Shelter – আশ্রয় 
  • Inspire – অনুপ্রাণিত করা 
  • Happen – সংঘটিত হওয়া
  • Ornament – অলঙ্কার 

7.1 | Look at the picture below and write what the following people are doing. One is done for you.

নিচের ছবিটি দেখো এবং ছবিতে কে কী কাজ করছে তা খাতায় লেখো। একটি তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হলো।

The young mantalking
The two womenentering the shop
The little girleating banana 
The shopkeeperselling products
The shop assistanthanding over the product
The fruit sellerresponding to a customer
The cleanersweeping
The tailorsewing cloths

7.2 | Read the note given below and discuss in groups/pairs.

জোড়ায় জোড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে নিচের নোটটি পড়ো এবং নিজেদের মাঝে আলোচনা করো।

Ans: Discussion on Principal and Auxiliary verbs

S1: Hi, Rita. Let’s discuss about the types of verbs. How many types of verbs are there mainly?

S2: There are mainly two types of verbs. They are Principal verbs and Auxiliary verbs.

S1: What are the functions of Principal verb?

S2: Principal verb generally expresses an action or state something.

S1: Can you give examples?

S2: Yes, I can. “My friends help me.” In this sentence, ‘help’ is a Principal verb and it expresses the action of doing something that is beneficial to someone. On the other hand, in the sentence “My friends are helpful”, ‘are’ is also a Principal verb which expresses the state of the friends being helpful.

S1: Fantastic explanation!

S2: Now, it is your turn. What are the functions of Auxiliary verbs? 

S1: Auxiliary verb expresses the tense, mood, or the voice of the Principal verb. Unlike the Principal verb, Auxiliary verb cannot stand alone in a sentence. ‘Do’, ‘does’, ‘did’, ‘am’, ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘was’, ‘were’, ‘being’, ‘been’, ‘has’, ‘have’, ‘had’, and ‘having’ are the main Auxiliary verbs.

S2: Give an example of the function of an Auxiliary verb.

S1: “This poem was composed by John Keats.” Here, ‘was’ has been used to indicate the past tense and to change the voice of the verb ‘compose’. That’s all for today. Thank you.

7.3 | Look at the picture again and make sentences using the following clues.

Then write whether the verbs express an action or a state. One on each is done as an example.

ছবিটি আবার দেখো এবং তা থেকে বাক্য রচনা করো। এরপর ক্রিয়াপদটি কোন কাজ অথবা অবস্থা বোঝাচ্ছে তা লেখো। উদাহরণস্বরূপ একটি করে দেওয়া হলো।


CluesSentences Expressing actions/ states
The man in the cloth store, buyThe man is buying a dress.action (because the verb tells what the person is doing)
The two women in the jewelry shop, chooseThe two women are choosing ornaments.action (because the verb tells what the two women are doing)
The little girl, eat a bananaThe little girl is eating a banana.action (because the verb tells what the girl is doing)
The open space in the market, spaciousThe market is spaciousstate (because the verb indicates how the market is)
The cleaner, cleanThe cleaner is cleaning the market area.action (because the verb tells what the cleaner is doing)
The security guard, checkThe security guard is checking the persons entering the market with metal detectoraction (because the verb tells what the security guard is doing) 
The washroom, cleanThe washroom of the market is clean.state (because the verb indicates how the washroom is)

7.4 | In pairs/groups, see the examples first in the box below. Then, discuss and write how auxiliary verbs are helping the principal verbs in the sentences that follow.


1. Do you watch a cricket match on television? ( To make a question) 

2. I do not like to wait for a long time. ( To make negatives)

3. My friend is helping me to clean the classroom. (To indicate an action happening at present) 

4. I did not call you last night. (To make negative in the past) 

5. Didn’t (did not) you attend the last class?  (To make question in the past)

7.5 | Read the text. Then, write in pairs/groups how different underlined actions (verbs) are done. One is done for you.


Verbsdegree/ extent/ manners of the verbs
1. Talking (How was the young man talking?)gently
2. Showing (How was the shop assistant showing the customers?)Patiently 
3. Eating (How was the little girl eating the banana?)Gladly 
4. Sweeping (How was the cleaner sweeping the road?)Hastily / neatly 
5. Checking (How was the security guard checking everyone?)Seriously 
6. Asking (How was the cleaner asking everyone?)Gently 

7.6 | Read the following situations and write appropriate adverbs in the blanks.

নিচের ঘটনাগুলো পড়ো এবং যথোপযুক্ত adverbs ব্যবহার করে বাক্যগুলো সম্পূর্ণ করো।

Ans: Writing adverbs according to the situations 

A clean place is a safe place 

Cleanliness is very important……..

So, let’s clean our surroundings neatly/properly/regularly.

Stop, look and cross the road

In cities especially in big cities…….

So, let’s cross a road carefully/safely/attentively.

Save our best friends

Trees are useful for us….. 

So, let’s love trees passionately/dearly.

Technological challenges

Nowadays we all use so many…..

So, let’s use devices moderately/properly

Two heads are better than one

You can’t do alone some of the best…..

So, let’s support cordially/wholeheartedly.