
Write A Letter To Your Friend Consoling The Death Of His Father/Mother

30 May,2020
Dear Rasel,

At first take my love. I hope that you are fine. I am so so. I knew about your father’s death news yesterday, I with my family are very sad for this painful news. I could not meet you in that moment. So, I am very sorry. That day I was in Nator at my younger sister’s husband’s house with my mother. So, we could not participate with you that day. I am requesting you not to repent more. Because the proverb says that “Man is mortal”. We shall have to die once too. As a result, we should not be right to repent for his death. Please go on your time just as before. I with my family must meet you in short time. Please know my regard to your parent..
No more today. Thank you very much.
Your friend