Write an Application To Your Principal For Providing Multi-media Facilities In The Classrooms.

To The Principle

XYZ School


Subject: Application for providing ‘Multi-media’ facilities in the classrooms.


With due respect, 1, on behalf of the students of classes XI and XII beg to state that there are more than 100 students in almost every section and the classrooms are also spacious. So, it is difficult for us to follow the lectures of our teachers accurately. This is really a master of regret in this modern era of science and technology. As a renowned college situated in the heart of the divisional town, we can use loud speaker, projector, computer etc. Such an arrangement will do better for us and it would be an inspiration to other colleges.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to provide above mentioned multi-media facilities in our classes and oblige us thereby.

We remain, Sir.
Your most obediently.
Ahmed Faysal
On behalf of the students.