Write An E-mail To Your Friend Discussing The Importance Of Learning English

Write An E-mail To Your Friend Discussing The Importance Of Learning English

To: [email protected]

Subject: Importance of learning English

My dear Sadiq.

It is very nice of you to have written to me. You will be glad to know that I got the first prize in the debate competition in English of our school on the topic “The importance of learning English.” I will now tell you in brief what I said there. English is an international language. All that best in modern civilization available in English. If we avoid English, we will keep ourselves aloof from the civilized world. Our education will suffer most because almost all the books necessary for higher education are written in English. English still has a commanding position in every sphere of our life like science, techonology, law, medicine, commerce, industry and diplomatic services. It is quite impossible to replace English by Bangla overnight. But in the meantime the position of English has been underestimated and for that reason the standard of education has fallen down. It is high time we realised the importance of learning English and took necessary measures to upgrade the standard of learning English.

I hope this letter of mine will find you hale and hearty.

Yours ever.
