To : [email protected]
Sent : April 28, 2019; 11:00 pm
Subject : Job application reply.
Dear Mr Kamal Ahmed,
With reference to your e-mail regarding the job of Asst. Manager. I am pleased to inform you that we have short listed you for our interview round. Our public relations head Ms Casey Dallas will be conducting your interview on May 13. Saturday, at 4 pm. We have gone through your resume and the public relations department is very happy with your qualifications and the projects that you have worked on in your current job. Please bring along your portfolio so that you can personally show us your achievements. I am attaching the schedule of the interview where you will also get the information about the other necessary details and formalities to be followed. If you have any questions before you arrive, please contact me at this number: 01914- 40451 or you can also e-mail me. We look forward to meeting you.
Regards and best wishes,
Suman Sarkar
Head. HR
BP Group, Dhaka