You Want To Complain Against A Product Supplied To You. Prepare An E-Mail And Send It To The E-Mail Address Of The Office.

You Want To Complain Against A Product Supplied To You. Prepare An E-Mail And Send It To The E-Mail Address Of The Office.

To : [email protected]
Sent : Monday, 28 March, 2019; 11:30 am.
Subject: Product complaint.

File: Dear Madam,

It might happen to us several times, when we go out for buying some stuff and face an awful experience which doesn’t seem to be agreeing with us. I am a regular customer of your perfume product ‘Rose’ and haven’t come across any problem till date, but this time it was a different situation. I had bought perfume product ‘Rose’ of yours from my nearby supermarket checking all necessary details provided on the item. I am sorry to inform you that the product is not up to the mark despite its packaging and expiry dates are intact. It is not at all consumable and as of now my money spent on this product is a total waste. I am requesting you to either replace the product or refund the cost within 15 days.
Thanking You,
Malik Mannan.