In this post, we’ll learn about Little Things, which is a topic from Chapter 2, English Subject, Class 6.
Important Vocabularies For This Lesson
- Mighty – শক্তিশালী/বিশাল
- Ocean – মহাসমুদ্র/সমুদ্র
- Humble – ভদ্র
- Eternity – চিরন্তন
- Deeds – কাজ
- Eden – স্বর্গ
- Heaven – স্বর্গ
- Above – উপরে
- Alternate – একান্তর
ইংরেজিতে প্রশ্ন সাধারণত দুই ভাবে গঠিত হয়-
1. Wh-Question দিয়ে: Wh-Question দিয়ে প্রশ্ন হলে উত্তরটি হবে ব্যাখ্যা মূলক বা বর্ণনা মুলক।
(What=কি, Where=কোথায়, When = কখন, Why =কেন, How = কিভাবে, Which = কোনটি)
2. Auxiliary Verb দিয়ে Auxiliary Verb দিয়ে প্রশ্নটি হলে উত্তর হবে Yes/No (Am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, do, does, did, modal verb)
2.1| Ask and answer the following questions in pairs.
(a) How do you help your parents at home? Does that make you or them happy?
Ans: I help my parents in the following ways:
1. Helping my mother in the kitchen.
2. Helping my father with his work.
3. Cleaning our bed and house.
4. Providing medicines to my grandparents on time. Yes, my parents are very happy for my activities.
(b) What do you usually do to make your brother/sister/friend happy when they are sad?
Ans: When my brother/sister/friend are sad. I usually do many things to overcome the sad moment like playing game, watching movie, telling jokes etc.
(c) Do you feel happy when they become happy?
Ans: Yes, I feel happy when they become happy.
(d) Have you ever been on a road trip to the hills?
Ans: Yes, I have been on a road trip to the hills.
(e) Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar or any other sea beaches? How did you feel then?
Ans: Yes, I have been to Cox’s Bazar. It is one of the longest sea beach in the world. I take bath and play football with some other person. Then I felt very good.
👉 Future Lies In Present | Solution | English – Chapter – 3 | Class 6
2.2 | Now, listen to the poem “Little Things” carefully and fill up the missing words in the poem.
মনোযোগ দিয়ে Little Things কবিতাটি শোনো এবং কবিতার খালিস্থানে Missing Words গুলো বসাও।
Little drops of water.
Little grains of …….sand….
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant…….land……..
Thus the …little…. minutes.
Humble though they be,
….Make…… the mighty ages Of eternity.
Little deeds of. kindness
Little words of love
Make our …….earth…. an Eden,
Like the heaven above.
2.4 | Read the poem in pairs to find out the correct words/phrases from the box and write next to the sentences You can choose more than one answer.
জোড়ায় কবিতাটি পড়ো এবং নিচের সঠিক শব্দ/শব্দগুচ্ছ খুঁজে বের করো। বাক্যের পাশে তা লেখো। একের বেশী উত্তর তুমি পছন্দ (Choose) করতে পারো।
a) What makes a land pleasant? Little drops of water, Grains of sand
b) What makes the earth an Eden? Deeds of kindness, words of love
c) How much water makes a mighty ocean? Little drops of water
d) What makes the earth heaven? Deeds of kindness, words of love
👉 Talking To People – Solution | English – Chapter – 1 | Class 6
2.5 | Read the note and answer the following questions in pairs.
a) How many stanzas are there in the poem titled ‘Little things”?
Ans: Three
b) Match the rhyming words.
Cat – Hat
Day – Stay
Coat – Boat
Pick – Kick
Sand – Land
Now – How
2.6 | Make a list of the “little things” you usually do and share it with the class.
তুমি সাধারণত করে থাকো এমন ছোট ছোট কাজের একটি তালিকা তৈরি করো এবং শ্রেণিতে share করো।
I wash my hands before I eat. I keep my room clean I help my mother in the kitchen. I help my father in the work. I help my grandparents take medicine. I pray every day.