In this post, we’ll learn about POLITENESS, which is a topic from Chapter 9, English Subject, Class 6.
Important Vocabularies For This Lesson
- Explain – ব্যাখ্যা করা
- Borrow – ধার করা
- Deduction – কমানো
- Disobey – অমান্য করা
- Beach – সমুদ্র তীর
- Bullying – হয়রানি করা
- Frequently – বারবার
- Predict – ভবিষ্যতবাণী করা
- Community – সমাজ
9.1 | In groups, talk about a situation where you asked for help from your teacher, friend, or a senior. Then, write down a few sentences which contain Can, Could, May, Must, Have to. Might, Should, and highlight them. (দলে ভাগ হয়ে এমন একটি অবস্থার কথা চিন্তা করো, যখন তোমাকে বলা হলো এমন কারো সাহায্য চাও; যিনি তোমার শিক্ষক, বন্ধু অথবা তোমার চাইতে বয়সে বড়। তারপর কিছু বাক্য লেখ যেগুলোতে Can Could, May. Must, Have to, Might, Should এর প্রাধান্য থাকবে।)
Ans: Group Discussion (দলগত আলোচনা)
S1 : Hey do you know the use of can, could, may, must, etc. |
S2 : There are have to, might and should too. |
S3 : Let’s act out a situation where we ask a senior person for help. |
S4 : OK, I’m starting. May we ask you something. sir. |
S5 : Of course, you can. |
S1 : Could you please tell us the way to the post office? |
S5 : Sure, You have to go straight and then turn right. The post office is on the left corner. |
S2 : May we ask if we can get prizebonds there? |
S5 : I think you might. |
S3: Or should we go to the bank? |
S5 : Right. You must get them in the bank. |
S4: Thank you, sir for your help. |
Now try to find answers to the following questions in the group discussion. (এখন দলগত আলোচনায় নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর বের করার চেষ্টা করো ।)
What do the highlighted words mean? (গুরুত্বারোপ করা শব্দগুলো দিয়ে কী বোঝায় ? )
What are they called? (ওগুলোকে কী বলা হয়?)
How are they different from other auxiliary verbs ? | হাউ আ(র) দেই ডিান্ট ক্রম আদা (র) auxiliary verbs ? ] — ওগুলো অন্যান্য auxiliary verb থেকে কীভাবে পৃথক?)
Ans : Group Discussion (দলগত আলোচন)
S1 : Let’s discuss on the use of can, could, may, must, have to, might, should, etc. |
S2 : These words are actually used to ask permission, for possibility. obligation etc. |
S3 : What are they called? |
S4 : They are called modal auxiliary verbs. They are used to make the speech polite and meaning more clear. |
S5 : How are they different from other auxiliary verbs? |
S1 : They are different from primary auxiliaries because primary auxiliaries like, am, is, are, was, were do, does, did, have, has, had, shall, will, ete don’t add any meaning to the sentence. |
S2 : Right. They are just used to assist the verb according to person or tense. |
👉 https://studyian.com/the-boy-under-the-tree-solution-english-chapter-10-class-6/
9.3 | Read the note on the uses of modal verbs. Now work in pairs and find out the mistakes in the following sentences and write the correct sentences. Then share the sentences with the class. (Modal Verb ব্যবহারের নিচের Note টি পড়ো। এখন দলে ভাগ হয়ে নিচের বাক্যগুলো থেকে ভুল খুঁজে বের করো এবং সঠিক বাক্যটি লেখ। তারপর শ্রেণিতে বাক্যগুলো Share করো ।)
Ans: Pair Activity (যুগল কাজ)
S1 : Here are some sentences. Let’s see if they are correct. |
S2 : Ok. The use of modal verbs in these sentences are perhaps not correct. |
S1 : Right. The sentence (a) should be ‘I can’t do the exercise’. |
S2 : That’s correct. And the sentence (b) should be You have to give up bad habits. |
S1 : And the sentence (c) should be ‘She will return soon. |
S2 : The sentence (d) should be ‘My friend might help us. |
S1 : Finally the sentence (c) should be ‘My grandma could stay with us. |
S2 : Hope, our sentences are correct. Now, let’s share them with the class. |
9.4 | in groups make sentences of your own using the given modal verbs [ইন গ্রুপস, মেইক সেনটেন্সেস অভ ইয়োর ওউন ইউজিং দা গিভেন Modal Verbs | দলে ভাগ হয়ে নিচের দেয়া Modal Verb ব্যবহার করে নতুন বাক্য তৈরি করো।
Ans: Let’s make three groups. Each group will do one table (তিনটি দল বানাই। প্রতিটি দল একটি সারণি করবে)
Group 1 : On polite requests (বিনীত অনুরোধ বিষয়ে)
S1 : We have got the 1st table which is on requesting politely. |
S2 : Let’s start. Sentence No. 1 is- Can I go home carly, sir? |
S3 : Sentence No. 2 is Could you please shut the door? |
S1 : We can also say. Can I ask you something?” and “Could I have a glass of water, please?” |
S4 : Sentence No. 3 is- May I come in, sir? |
S5 : Instead we can say. “May I go now?” |
Group 2 : On obligation (বাধ্যবাধকতা বিষয়ে)
S(a) : We have got the 2nd table which is on obligation. |
S(b) : Ok, let’s start. Sentence no. I is We must obey our parents and teachers. |
S(c) : We can also say, “A student must study hard”. |
S(d) : And to add further One must do one’s duties properly. |
S(c) : Sentence no. 2 is The drivers have to abide by – the traffic rules. |
S(a) : Here we can say another sentence They have to – go have before evening. |
Group 3: On Possibility (সম্ভাবনা বিষয়ে )
S(i) : We have got the 3rd table which is on possibility. |
S(ii) : Well, sentence no. I is- It may rain today. |
S(iii) : We can also say, “She may come tomorrow”. |
S(iv) : Sentence no. 2 is That might be our car. |
S(v) : We can further say, “He might do the work”. |
9.5 | Activity for Polite Requests
Suppose that you have gone on a trip to Cox’s Bazar, You need to know something about this new place. You want to ask the following questions written below. Now, rewrite these questions/sentences in polite form.
i. What time, is it?
Ans: Could you tell me what time it is?
ii. Where is the nearest hotel?
Ans: Can you tell me where the nearest hotel is?
iii. Where is the ATM booth?
Ans: Can you tell where the ATM booth is?
iv. Give me a change for a hundred taka note.
Ans: Can I have a change for a hundred taka note?
v. What would be the best route to the beach ?
Ans: Could you tell me what the best route to the beach would be?
👉 https://studyian.com/bangabandhu-my-inspiration-solution-english-chapter-8-class-6/
9.6 | See the illustrations and respond to the situations in writing. (নিচের ছবিগুলো দেখো এবং তাদের লিখিত বর্ণনা দাও।)
Discribing Picture (ছবির বর্ননা)
Situation 1 (অবস্থা ১):
Jibon wants to borrow a pen from Ratna. What should Ratna do? (জীবন অনুস টু বরৌ আ পেন ফ্রম রত্না। • ওট শুভ রত্না ?) – জীবন রত্নার কাছ থেকে একটি কলম ধার করতে চায়। রত্নার কী করা উচিত?
Jibon : My pen has run out. Could I borrow your pen, Ratna? |
Ratna : Of course. I have an extra pen. |
Jibon : Thanks, Ratna. |
Ratna : What are friends forl |
Situation 2 (অবস্থা ২):
Someone is bullying your friend. What can you do? [সামআন ইজ্ বুলিও ইয়ো(র) ফ্রেনড। ওট ক্যান ইউ ডু? – কেউ তোমার বন্ধুকে হয়রানি করছে। তুমি কী করতে পারো?
Myself : Hey. what is going on? |
My friend : He is bullying me for my poverty. |
Myself : You cannot do that. You cannot judge a person by his wealth |
Bully : I didn’t think like that |
Myself : Now. would you say sorry to him? |
Bully : Could you please forgive me? I would never do such. |
My friend : It’s ok. I forgive you. |
Bully : Can we be friends? |
Myself & My friend : Yes, we can be friends. |
Situation 3 (অবস্থা ৩):
In Bangladesh, road accidents occur frequently. What can be done to avoid road accidents? [ইন্ বাংলাদেশ, রোড অ্যাডাল্ট আকা(র) ফ্রীকুআনলি। গুমট ক্যান বি ডান্ টু আয়ড রোড অ্যাসিড?] – বাংলাদেশে প্রায়ই সড়ক দুর্ঘটনা হয়। সড়ক দুর্ঘটনা এড়াতে কী করা যেতে – পারে?
S1 : Do you know about road accidents in Bangladesh? |
S2 : Yes, We can learn from the news. |
S3 : We must follow certain rules for our safety. |
S1 : We should obey the traffic rules in the roads. |
S2 : We should use zebra crossing to cross a road. |
S3 : The drivers should obey the traffic lights. |
S1 : They should avoid overtaking tendency. |
S2 : Vehicles should be checked properly before going out. |
S3 : In short we have to be careful on the road. |
Situation 4 (অবস্থা ৪):
One of your friends was absent from the class on Sunday. Now, how can you help him? [আন অভ্ ইউ (র) ফ্রেনডস আজ অ্যাবসানট ফ্রম দা ক্লাস অন সানডি। নাউ, হাউ ক্যান ইউ হেলপ হিমা রবিবারে তোমার এক বন্ধু ক্লাসে অনুপস্থিত ছিল। এখন, তুমি কীভাবে তাকে সাহায্য করবে?
My friend : Hello, what’s up? |
Myself : I’m fine. What about you? You did not come to school on Sunday. |
My friend : Yes, I had stomach ache. That’s why I have called you |
Myself : Well, how can I help you? |
My friend : Can you please help me with the lessons taught on Sunday? |
Myself : Of course, I can do that with pleasure. |
My friend : Thank you very much. |
Situation 5 (অবস্থা ৫):
Cloudy Sky Now, predict the weather. ক্লাউডি স্কাই। নাউ, প্রিডিক্ট্ দা ওএদা(র)। মেঘাচ্ছন্ন আকাশ। এখন আবহাওয়া সম্পর্কে ভবিষ্যদ্বানী করো।
Ans: The sky looks cloudy. It may rain today. One must take the umbrella while going out. Otherwise one may get drenched. It even seems that it might rain in torrents.
9.7 Complete the writing. (কমপ্লিট দা রাইটিং।) লেখা সম্পূর্ণ করো। –
Write down 10 sentences using modal verbs about “your responsibility as a student towards yourself and your community”. For example, you can start with (Modal Verb ব্যবহার করে দশটি বাক্য লেখ— “ছাত্র হিসেবে নিজের ও সমাজের প্রতি তোমার দায়িত্ব।” উদাহরণস্বরূপ তুমি নিচের মতো করে শুরু করতে পার।
My Responsibility as a student towards Myself and My Community
As a student I must study regularly and sincerely. I should not waste my time and should be punctual and diligent. I must be obedient to my elders, teachers and parents. I should abide by the rules and regulations of the school and the country as well. I should be co-operative. I can’t ignore my duties to my community. In any natural calamities I should extend my helping hand to the people. I can join the relief work. After the calamity is over I can help them rebuild. And can also join in the cleaning activities of my community and thus can make people aware of hygiene.