In this post, we’ll learn about The boy under the tree, which is a topic from Chapter 10, English Subject, Class 6.
Important Vocabularies For This Lesson
- Playmates – খেলার সাথী
- Rush out – তাড়াহুড়ো করে বের হওয়া
- Well-struck ball – সজোরে আঘাত করা বল
- Mumble – বিড়বিড় করা
- Disheartened – হতাশ হওয়া
- Lean – হেলান দেওয়া
- Wrap up – শেষ করা
- Resume – আবার শুরু করা
- Recognise – চিনতে পারা
- Afar – দূরে
- Mocked – উপহাস করা
- Left out – বাদ দেওয়া
- Afford – সামর্থ্য।
- Well off – সচ্ছল
- Supportive – সহায়ক
- Neighbourhood – আশেপাশের এলাকা
10.1 | Look at the illustrations below. The illustrations are from Orin’s ‘Sports Sticker Album’. In pairs, write the names of the sports in the given space. Then, discuss what you know about these sports. (নিচের ছবিগুলো দেখো। এই ছবিগুলো Orin এর ‘Sports Sticker Album’ থেকে নেয়া। জোড়ায় খালি জায়গায় এই খেলাগুলোর নাম লেখ। তারপর এই খেলাগুলো সম্পর্কে তুমি কী জান তা লেখ।)
Ans: Name of the sports (ক্রীড়াগুলোর নাম)
1. Volleyball (ভলিবল) : Volleyball centennial 1895-1995 (ভলিবল শতবার্ষিকী ১৮৯৫-১৯৯৫)
2. Football (ফুটবল) : World Cup Football Italy 1990 (বিশ্বকাপ ফুটবল : ইটালি – ১৯৯০)
3. Badminton (ব্যাডমিন্টন) : Bicentennial American Independence 1776-1976 (আমেরিকার স্বাধীনতার দ্বিশতবার্ষিকী ১৭৭৬-১৯৭৬)
4. Swimming (সাঁতার) : Bicentennial American Independence 1776-1976 (আমেরিকার স্বাধীনতার দ্বিশতবার্ষিকী ১৭৭৬-১৯৭৬)
5. Volleyball (ভলিবল ) :
6. Football (ফুটবল) : FIFA World Cup Mexico 86 (ফিফা বিশ্বকাপ: মেক্সিকো ৮৬)
Discussion in Pairs (জোড়ায় আলোচনা)
Mona : Hey Rupa, do you see the pictures here? These pictures are of some sports. Could you say the names of the sports? |
Rupa : Yes, I do. I can say the names of the sports. Picture no. 1 and 5 are the pictures of plaing Volleyball, picture no. 2 and 6 are the pictures of playing Football. On the other hand, picture no. 3 and 4 are the pictures of playing Badminton and Swimming respectively. |
Mona : Yes, you are right. Would you tell me something about these games? |
Rupa : Sure! Volleyball is played between two teams. Each team consists of six players. And football is also played between two teams but here each team consists of eleven players. Now, could you tell something about Badminton and Swimming? |
Mona : Yes, I can. Badminton is a racket sport. It is played by either two opposing players in singles or two opposing pairs in doubles. And swimming is an individual or team racing sport. It takes place in swimming pools or open water. |
Rupa : Well said, thank you very much. |
Mona : Same to you. |
10.2 | Ask and answer the following questions with your friend. Then, share your answers with the class. (নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো তোমার বন্ধুকে জিজ্ঞেস করো। তারপর প্রশ্নের উত্তরগুলো শ্রেণিকক্ষে Share করো।)
Ans: Discussion in Pairs (জোড়ায় আলোচনা)
Ripon : Hello, Rana, I would like to talk with you. Would you join me? |
Rana : Sure! Carry on. |
Ripon : I know you’re fond of sports. What type of sports do you like to play in school? And, what are they? |
Rana : Well, I like to play mainly outdoor games in school. They are cricket, football, etc. What about you? |
Ripon : Same as you. When do you play in school? |
Rana : Most of the day during the tiffin break, and sometimes after the class. I usually play with my friends. With whom do you play usually? |
Ripon : I also play with my friends. Do you have a friend who plays very well? |
Rana : Yes, my friend Rony plays cricket very well. But my friend Rakib can’t play with us. Because he is a physically challenged boy. |
Ripon : It’s very sad. You can play with him indoor games such as chess, carrom, etc. |
Rana : You’re right! Thank you. |
Ripon : You’re welcome. |
👉 MEETING AN OVERSEAS FRIEND – Solution | English – Chapter – 11 | Class 6
10.3 | Read the names of the sports given in the box. Then, discuss and categorise them in the following columns. (The sports you see usually boys play, and the sports usually girls play, and the sports both boys and girls play. ) [ নিচের Box-এ দেয়া খেলাগুলোর নাম পড়ো। তারপর আলোচনা করে খেলাগুলোকে নিচের সারণিতে ভাগ করে বসাও। (যে খেলাগুলো সাধারণত ছেলেরা খেলে, যে খেলাগুলো সাধারণত মেয়েরা খেলে এবং যে খেলাগুলো ছেলে-মেয়ে উভয়েই খেলে।) |
Football, Cricket, Swimming. Bicycling, Tennis, Basketball, Badminton, Handball, Highjump, Ha-du-du, Chess, Hockey, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Wrestling. Musical chair, Doll game, Ludu.
The sports boys play | The sports girls play | Sports both can play |
Football | Musical chair | Football |
Cricket | Doll game | Cricket |
Swimming | Ludu | Swimming |
Bicycling | Bicycling | |
Tennis | Tennis | |
Basketball | Badminton | |
Badminton | Chess | |
Handball | Table Tennis | |
Highjump | ||
Ha-du-du | ||
Hockey | ||
Volleyball | ||
Wrestling |
10.4 | Discuss the following topic in groups. Then, tell the class whether you agree or disagree and why. (নিচের বিষয়টি দলে আলোচনা করো। তারপরে শ্রেণিতে বলো, কেন তুমি বিষয়টিতে সম্মত বা সম্মত নও ।) “In choosing and playing any sports there should not be any difference between boys and girls.” (যেকোনো খেলা পছন্দ করা এবং খেলার ক্ষেত্রে ছেলে এবং মেয়ের মধ্যে পার্থক্য করা উচিত নয় । )
I agree. I think both boys and girls can play all the games because both enjoy the games. Besides, girls are also talented and hardworking as boys. Even in the Olympics both boys and girls participate in the same events. They bring so many medals also and make their country very proud. Moreover, games and sports are very helpful for their physical and mental growth. So there should not be any difference between boys and girls in choosing and playing any sports.
10.6 | Read the story again. Now choose the correct words / phrases to make the following sentences meaningful. (গল্পটি আবার পড়ো। এখন নিচের বাক্যগুলো অর্থবহ করার জন্য সঠিক শব্দ/শব্দগুচ্ছ বাছাই করো।)
a. Zahin plays with his friends in the tiffin time.
b. Jamal usually watches his friends play sitting under a Banyan tree.
c. Jamal is also interested to play with his friends.
d. Zahin plans an idea to make his friend Jamal smile.
e. We all should follow Zahin to make a friend happy.
10.7 | In groups/pairs write the answers to the questions given below. Then, exchange your copy with other groups/pairs (দলে / জোড়ায় নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর লেখ। তারপর নিজের উত্তরের অনুলিপি অন্যদল অথবা তোমার জোড়ায় কাজ করা বন্ধুর সাথে তা বিনিময় করো)
a) Who are Zahin and Jamal?
Ans: Zahin and Jamal are classmates. They study in class six in Kajla High School. But Jamal is a physically challenged boy.
b) What does Zahin notice while playing cricket?
Ans: While playing cricket Zahin notices Jamal sitting under a Banyan tree watching them play.
c) What does Jamal usually do during the tiffin break?
Ans: During the tiffin break Jamal usually sitting under a Banyan tree watches his classmates play.
d) What is Zahin’s plan to include Jamal in the game?
Ans: Zahin plans to play chess to include Jamal in the game.
e) Do you have any students who are physically challenged in your class / school?
Ans: Yes, we have a physically challenged student in our school. He studies in class seven.
f) Have you done anything like Zahin to make them smile ? If yes, write in short.
Ans: Yes, I have done something like Zahin to make him smile. During the tiffin break, he usually watches us play football, sitting at one corner of the field. So, one day I went to him and introduced myself. Then I invited him to play carrom with us. A bright smile formed on his face. He joined us to play. Now he is very much happy to enjoy play with us.
g) Write 5 ways you will help students who are physically challenged of your school.
Ans: We will help them by motivating them of their capability of doing everything, including them in games and sports, and in other extra-curricular activities if possible. honouring their self- image, and keeping them with our group.
Group Discussion (দলগত আলোচনা) :
Raju : Hey friends, would you like to join me in discussing the story The Boy Under the Tree”? |
Roney : Yes, of course. |
Raju : Then tell me, who are Zahin and Jamal? |
Roney : Zahin and Jamal are classmates. They study in class six in Kajla High School. |
Rakib : You’re right! But Jamal is a physically challenged boy. Now, can you say what Zahin notices while playing cricket? |
Raju : Certainly! He notices Jamal sitting under a Banyan tree watching them play. |
Roney : Yes, Jamal usually does it during the tiffin break. Now do you know about Zahin’s plan to include Jamal in the game? |
Rakib : Yes, I do. Zahin plans to play indoor games like chess to include Jamal in the game. |
Raju : It’s a nice plan, I think. Well, do you have any physically challenged students in your class or school? If yes, have you done anything like Zahin to make them happy? |
Roney : Yes, we do. We have a student like Jamal in our class. I have already included him in our group to play carrom, chess etc. with him. Now, he is very happy. |
Rakib : Well done! Now, could you tell us how we will help physically challenged students? |
Raju : Yes, I could. We can help them by motivating them of their capability of achieving everything, including them in games and sports and other activities if possible, ensuring their self-image positively etc. |
Roney : Besides, we never pity them. Thank you very much. |
Raju : Thank you all. |
👉 https://studyian.com/politeness-solution-english-chapter-9-class-6/
10.8 | In groups/pairs, read the following situations and then write what you can do in those situations to make your friend smile. [দলে / জোড়ায় নিচের অবস্থাগুলো (Situation) পড়ো এবং তারপরে ঐ অবস্থায় তোমার বন্ধুকে খুশি করার জন্য তুমি কী করতে তা লেখ।
What do you think you can do to make Rida feel included”
In this situation to make Rida feel included, I can try to include her in our group. gossip with her at times, take her to sports if possible. I can also encourage her that she can do everything. I think in this way I can make Rida feel included.
What can you do to make him feel more welcome?
Firstly, I will talk to him frankly, and include him in our group. Then we will encourage him not to feel shy in speaking Bangla. Because it is a new language for him. Then we will help him correct his accent. I think it will be very helpful for him.
How can you be supportive of Kanka?
At first I will make him my friend. I will also include him in our friend group. We will play and gossip with him. We will treat him in such a way that poverty is not a barrier to friendship. Moreover, we will try to make him understand that we should be content with what we have.. Then we can be happy. Thus, I can be supportive of Kanka.
How can you help in making Rodoshi feel less alone?
I will include her in our friend group. We will also introduce her to our families. We will play together. I think she will not feel alone.